Christmas Cactus Water – if your christmas cactus is outdoors in a hot, dry climate, you might need to water it every 2 to 3 days, especially if the plant has. The roots need to get the water and. how to care for christmas cacti. christmas cactus care.
Christmas Cactus Water
Schlumbergera hybrids Christmas Cactus โบ Indoor Plants from—
For example, if the plant is in 6 inches of soil, water when the top 2 inches feel dry. is the soil soggy and your plant showing signs of being overwatered?
Christmas Cactus Water Rooting Christmas cactus cuttings in water experiment Results YouTube
quick facts common name:
the christmas cactus is a tropical rainforest native and needs regular water to remain healthy.
[2] keep your christmas cactus away from drafts, heat vents, fireplaces or other sources of hot air.
(use your finger to check!)
christmas cactus is native to rainforests rather then deserts and requires watering so that the soil is evenly moist.